Digital BSS, Quick Wins and 101 Use CasesDigital BSS, Quick Wins and 101 Use Cases
Digital BSS needs to adapt and support your business. Not the other way around. Service providers shouldn’t be held captive by vendor lock-in and need to wait for a lengthy and expensive change requests to enable them to compete. This is changing. New advances are enabling Digital BSS functions to be delivered down to individual use case level.
November 7, 2017

Date: Dec 13, 2017
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Digital BSS needs to adapt and support your business. Not the other way around. Service providers shouldn’t be held captive by vendor lock-in and need to wait for a lengthy and expensive change requests to enable them to compete. This is changing. New advances are enabling Digital BSS functions to be delivered down to individual use case level. Join this webinar in association with Openet to learn:
What are the range of use cases that Digital BSS can support
Which use cases are driving rapid returns
What new use cases are we likely to see in 2018
Scott Bicheno, Editor –
Frank Healy, Product Marketing Manager – Openet
Martin Morgan, VP Marketing – Openet
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