MobiTV jumps on WiMAX bandwagonMobiTV jumps on WiMAX bandwagon
August 9, 2006
Mobile TV platform provider MobiTV, has announced support for the WiMAX wireless broadband standard. The move follows US carrier Sprint Nextel’s decision Tuesday to roll out the technology nationwide, giving WiMAX its biggest boost yet in terms of support.
“WiMAX is one of the most promising new wireless technologies to emerge over the last several years…the consumer market is looking for a compelling video user experience, and has to be simple and accessible with a seamless blending of technologies that hide all of the network integration complexity in a cost effective manner,” said Phillip Alvelda, chief executive and co-founder for MobiTV. ”
MobiTV is optimising its platform for efficient full-duplex bi-directional delivery with full transactional capabilities and support for a combination of unicast and multi-cast delivery models as well as full interactivity including m-commerce, voting and other capabilities.
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