10G EPON - Unleashing the Bandwith Potential10G EPON - Unleashing the Bandwith Potential
Published by ZTE For the first time in history, we can now aim to live in "One World", because the 1st century has ushered in a new era in man's ongoing quest for a better life and a better world. Telco industry is passing through a phase of multiservice revolution, with a shift from legacy to next generation networks and the introduction of new and advanced services (e.g. DTV, HDTV, IPTV, VoIP, WiMAX, Mobile TV, etc.). More and more service providers are progressing to triple-play and even quad-play packages in order to provide a one-stop shopping service to customers. IP traffic is growing exponentially and networks evolve to include bandwidth hungry IP-based applications on voice, video and data. A discussion about broadband medium and speed is on everyone's tongue. But still it is under discussion that "how fast is fast enough"
October 15, 2009
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Published by ZTE
For the first time in history, we can now aim to live in “One World”, because the 1st century has ushered in a new era in man’s ongoing quest for a better life and a better world. Telco industry is passing through a phase of multiservice revolution, with a shift from legacy to next generation networks and the introduction of new and advanced services (e.g. DTV, HDTV, IPTV, VoIP, WiMAX, Mobile TV, etc.). More and more service providers are progressing to triple-play and even quad-play packages in order to provide a one-stop shopping service to customers. IP traffic is growing exponentially and networks evolve to include bandwidth hungry IP-based applications on voice, video and data. A discussion about broadband medium and speed is on everyone’s tongue. But still it is under discussion that “how fast is fast enough”. In fact, broadband is not just a speed it is defined as a potential medium that offers a wide variety of applications to users at their premises. This white paper provides a detailed tutorial overview of the IEEE 802.3av 10Gbit/s Ethernet PON (10G EPON) market trends that are driving the requirement of future last mile access networks, standardization advancements, technology infrastructure.
Click here to read this whitepaper: 10g-epon-unleashing-the-bandwidth-potential-oct
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