EU roaming vote todayEU roaming vote today
April 12, 2007
Proposed price-cutting legislation that could be in effect by July will be put to the test Thursday in a key European Parliament committee vote.
The proposal to cap charges for mobile roaming abroad will be put to the vote this morning and is expected to draw a line under the most controversial cost in the mobile industry.
The EU executive wants the cost of mobile calls for cross-border travelers to be cut by as much as 70 per cent with a ceiling of Eur50 cents (£0.34) per minute for an outgoing call and Eur25 cents (£0.17) per minute for an incoming call.
The executive also wants operators to provide personalised information to their customers advising them on exactly what they will be charged abroad for making and receiving calls.
A final plenary vote is expected to go ahead in the parliament in mid-May but today’s vote is likely to be a good signifier of how the final text, to be adopted by the European Parliament this summer, will look. will keep you updated on this developing story throughout the day.
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