Breon Corcoran, COO, Paddy PowerBreon Corcoran, COO, Paddy Power
Around 60 per cent of our revenues are digital and 75 per cent of our profits are digital and a significant and growing part of that is mobile. Our audience is men in their 20s and 30s and we thought the margins on mobile would be smaller and impulse purchases would be harder to deliver, along with cross selling, but the buy in from consumers was so strong that we just had to be there.
August 10, 2011

We’re a very transactional business, so our mobile strategy is all about transactions. We have about 30 per cent of the transactional betting market in the UK, which has doubled in the last year.
Around 60 per cent of our revenues are digital and 75 per cent of our profits are digital and a significant and growing part of that is mobile. Our audience is men in their 20s and 30s and we thought the margins on mobile would be smaller and impulse purchases would be harder to deliver, along with cross selling, but the buy in from consumers was so strong that we just had to be there.
Our frustration was that we had to start all over again to get mobile capability. We thought we were digital but realised we were just internet and some of the mobile staff we hired we wouldn’t have hired for more traditional digital roles.
But brand is important in this market and churn is lower. We see around 30 per cent of all mobile transactions through the iPhone, 15 per cent through the iPad and Android is catching up to Apple. App users are more mass market than mobile internet users. Mobile internet consumers spend more per transaction, but because of the brand awareness of apps, we have to be in both places at once.
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