Banks lend Reggefiber €250mn for FTTH expansion

Dutch fibre network operator Reggefiber has negotiated loans totalling a quarter of a billion Euros to expand its fibre network.

Jamie Beach

October 26, 2012

1 Min Read
Banks lend Reggefiber €250mn for FTTH expansion
BT has announced the locations of a further 114 exchanges to be upgraded to fibre

Dutch fibre network operator Reggefiber has negotiated loans totalling a quarter of a billion Euros to expand its fibre network.

The funds will be used to extend fibre connections to an additional 50 municipalities across the country as well as build an ultra-fast fibre-to-the-home (FTTH) network offering speeds of up to 1Gbps.

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has agreed to provide Reggefiber with €125m of credit as part of a ten-year facility, and another six commercial banks have separately agreed to provide loans worth an extra €125m to the network operator.

Reggefiber is currently connecting over 300,000 Dutch homes to its FTTH network annually, and expects to finish the work being financed by these new loans in 2015.

About the Author

Jamie Beach

Jamie Beach is Managing Editor of IP&TV News ( and a regular contributor to Broadband World News. Jamie specialises in the disruptive influence of broadband on the television & media industries. You can email him at jamie.beach[at]

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