The Podcast: Putting the coms in TelecomsThe Podcast: Putting the coms in Telecoms
September 19, 2016
Jamie’s still lost somewhere, probably adrift a door in the Atlantic Ocean, so Richard Fogg and Paul Nolan from CC Group fill the void. This week we put the coms in telecoms by talking about telecoms media and some of this week’s biggest communications wins and losses, including the #AskJuncker fail, Apple’s tantrum, Samsung’s meltdown and Three’s absolute win by bringing in Game of Thrones star Maisie Williams (AKA Arya Stark). Elsewhere, we look at Telia’s dodgy dealings in Uzbekistan; Tim recites his Dr Seuss-inspired poem on the iPhone flown by Vodafone’s drone; and we ask why New Yorker’s can’t stop watching porn in the street. Join the debate and share your thoughts with us on twitter @telecoms using the hashtag #AWIW.
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And in case you missed it, here’s another chance to check out last week’s edition of AWIW: Cleaning up after the Applegasm
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