GSMA lobbies for more and cheaper spectrumGSMA lobbies for more and cheaper spectrum
Ahead of WRC-19 mobile industry lobbying group the GSMA has lobbied on behalf of the mobile industry.
September 13, 2019

Ahead of WRC-19 mobile industry lobbying group the GSMA has lobbied on behalf of the mobile industry.
The main concern of the GSMA, and thus we can assume the global mobile industry, is access to plenty of licensed spectrum at reasonable prices. The ITU’s 19th World Radiocommunication Conference will take place in November, but lobbying groups are getting organised well ahead of time. While the cost and availability of spectrum is a perennial issue, the advent of 5G makes it arguably more important than ever.
The GSMA has opened two lobbying fronts in this case. The first involved an open letter loftily headed ‘Delivering the greatest value for society at WRC-19’. As indicated the letter conflates the progress of 5G with that of civilization itself and warns that any failure to heed the GSMA’s wishes could have dire societal consequences.
The second initiative took the form of a report that concludes ‘High spectrum prices leave millions unconnected’. Once more the fortunes of its members are intimately associated with the progress of mankind, as the GSMA opens its presentation of the award by saying ‘the negative impacts of high spectrum prices on consumers can no longer be disputed.’
“Spectrum auctions can’t be viewed as cash cows anymore,” said Brett Tarnutzer, Head of Spectrum at the GSMA. “Any government that prices spectrum to maximise revenue now does so with full knowledge that its actions will have negative repercussions on citizens and the development of mobile services. We now have clear evidence that shows by restricting the financial ability of operators to invest in mobile networks millions of consumers are suffering.”
The GSMA is in danger of laying it on too thick with these two attempts to pressure the powers that be into making it cheaper for its members to get hold of all-important spectrum. The negative impacts of doing otherwise can and will be disputed, while appeals to philanthropy are a bit rich coming from such an affluent and profitable industry.
Having said that there are many good arguments in favour of freeing up spectrum and not allowing them to be a public sector cash grab every few years. There’s no way it costs governments and regulators the amount of money they extort from operators in spectrum licenses to manage them and in its unsubtle way the GSMA seems to be saying that if you want to service your people, try being a bit more helpful about keeping them connected.
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