Unlike other fiber benchmarks the Fiber Development Index (FDI) 2024 tracks a wider set of fiber investment metrics across 93 countries and territories. Download this report here.
October 24, 2024

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FDI tracks and benchmarks fiber development across 93 countries and territories. Fiber investment is crucial for ensuring the high-quality delivery of all data services and requires a comprehensive contextual analysis. Unlike other fiber benchmarks that largely track household coverage, penetration, or both, the FDI includes a wider set of fiber investment metrics, including:
Fiber-to-the-premise (FTTP) coverage
Fiber-to-the-household (FTTH) penetration
Fiber-to-the-business (FTTBusiness) penetration
Mobile cell-site fiber penetration
Advanced wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology investment
In addition to the fiber investment metrics, the FDI, based on Omdia’s analysis of Ookla Speedtest data, then quantifies the overall broadband quality of experience (QoE) improvements driven by that investment, namely:
Median download speed
Median upload speed
Median latency
Median jitter
The FDI currently covers 93 countries and territories of varying sizes, demographic and geographical profiles, and levels of broadband development. These widely differing characteristics make it difficult to compare countries directly; to do so would, in Omdia’s opinion, only lead to unfair and unhelpful conclusions and recommendations. Therefore, to compare individual results, the FDI splits territories into three different country clusters:
Cluster 1: Countries with highly developed fiber-based broadband networks
Cluster 2: Developed broadband countries that are moving toward greater fiber broadband adoption
Cluster 3: Emerging broadband countries with low levels of broadband household penetration
Singapore continues to lead Omdia’s FDI, with maximum scores in six out of the nine metric categories, followed by the UAE and Qatar. Romania, Europe’s leading FDI territory, continues its development and moves up into fourth place, followed by Chile, Latin America’s leading territory, which continues to climb up the Index for several years in a row. China, South Korea, Japan, Denmark, and Spain make up the rest of the top ten. Further down the ranking, the US continues to be the leading North American territory, at number 28 place, with Mauritius being the leading African nation (number 46 place).
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